
Nautilus and Flowers

How to prepare a X-ray session ? What flowers suit to a Nautilus shell ? Where does color come in ? 

I went to my gorgeous florist to have a look what offer she can make during wintertime. My phantasy were spinning around something ethereal or unrealistic. I bought some flowers with respect to their shape. 

The Anthuria caught my eye immediately. The Tulip was still closed and got more and more yellow within hours.

All these compositions shown here were made with dual energy X-ray. The lowest energy of the tube is 40kV, which yields with 4 mAs a quite good insight of flowers. For the center of the Nautilus shell, 70kV and 2.5 mAs is more appropriate.

My first composition was a Nautilus taking off a bouquet of flowers. This reminded me of Renaissance engravings full of symbols. I do not feel depressed. The representation as a X-ray positive jsut shows the bouquet.

Miraculous flowers and nautilus shell © Julian Köpke
Miraculous flowers © Julian Köpke

A more grounded composition is the second with a Nautilus shell moving towards the roots of my bouquet. Hopefully, the plants will survive. The positive representation always needs some extra editing. By just inverting the Blacks and the Whites the Nautilus would be too dark. Our reception cannot be just inverted and feels alright.

Flowers and Nautilus © Julian Köpke
Flowers and Nautilus © Julian Köpke

With the look-and-feel of old engravings in mind the third composition ist between surreal and a still. It took me some time to mask out the flaws of an original X-ray to get a true black background. Masking can be done iteratively and easily combined with Photoshop. („That’s what Photoshop is made for  !“).

Some colorizing was done to overcome missing photographic shots. There was simply no time in my X-ray unit to do both at a time.

Nautilus shell as a vase or a vessel („Hansekogge“ or cog) © Julian Köpke
Positive representation of Nautilus shell as a vase or a vessel („Hansekogge“ or cog) © Julian Köpke
Coloured Nautilus shell as a vase or a vessel („Hansekogge“ or cog) © Julian Köpke
Coloured positive representation of a Nautilus shell as a vase or a vessel („Hansekogge“ or cog) © Julian Köpke

My fourth composition is called „The Argonauts“. The Nautilus shell serves as Argo, the legendary fast ship, with its crew, called Argonauts. The colored version is more convenient for our eyes. As before the X-ray positive looks more ethereal. 

A Nautilus with flowers as Argonauts © Julian Köpke
A Nautilus with flowers Argonauts © Julian Köpke
X-Ray positive of a Nautilus with flowers as Argonauts © Julian Köpke
Colored X-ray positive of a Nautilus with flowers as Argonauts © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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