
Shells fusion X-ray photo

Long time I dreamed of this fusion image of shells. Because already on a lightbox some of the shells are transparent and have nice colors. I like the shining through effect very much.

The X-ray image is a compromise of structure and density resolution, depending on the maximum energy the mammography system is able to produce.

Today I’m not at all in a stable state due to a recurrent infection. So I allowed me to do this image instead of hard working.

Shells fusion X-ray photo © Julian Köpke

It is the light inversion in Lab color mode that shows more of a X-ray look and feel. The colors are pretty close to the bright image.

Shells fusion X-ray photo with inversion of the L-channel © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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