flowers,  Heidelberg

Sunny day with spring character

A sunny day in winter without training or weekend obligations: we can let ourselves drift a littleThe Hermannshof in Weinheim with its botanical garden attracts many visitors, especially those with cameras. Many kneel or lie down on the floor to gain a beautiful perspective. You don’t notice dirty trousers. Rather, trousers like that ennobles the wearer.

First light welcomes a crocus when the sun shines abundantly and the joy of photographing is written on the face of all visitors.

First light for a crocus © Julian Köpke

Winter residual flowers in the first spring light: Helleborus

Helleborus © Julian Köpke

At the end of our sunny stroll we sat down in front of a café for a tea. We met this Siberian Husky in front of our café. It took me a while to recognize three legs and a shaved fur on her right hip. Due to a chondrosarcoma her owner had decided to have an operation on the dog. She did quite well, as far as a human may understand.

Siberian Husky © Julian Köpke
Siberian Husky © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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