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Fragile in Amsterdam

A lot of things are falling apart these days. We feel how fragile we are. How do you show fragility in a picture ?

Entering the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, a new, modern entrance area has been created. Light and shadow in rapid succession through concrete door arches.

Entrance Rijksmuseum Amsterdam © Julian Köpke

The arches are unadorned, yet the eye clings to them. Despite – or due to ? – the simple concept, every perspective offers new impression.

Entrance Rijksmuseum Amsterdam © Julian Köpke

A still life painting (not „life style“) may be irritating by its compositional elements, like objects at the edge of a table top. Just these elements evokes a feeling of fragility. The next image is a photograph I made in the museum without tripod as indicated. The painting by Willem Claeszoon Heda was about 1635. It is a Vanitas theme, 13 years before the end of a 80 years long war in Netherlands, the end coinciding with the 30 years long war in Germany 1648.

Nature morte Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands By Willem Claeszoon Heda 1635. Photograph. © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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