Thedarkroomwasthecentreofanaloguephotography. In a darkroom were created thecopiesofapictureonphoto paper, which had beenplannedwhenshootingwithcameraandfilm. The“digitaldarkroom”isinawaythecontinuationofthe darkroomfromanaloguetimes. Nowadays, theroleof the filmistakenoverbytheRAWimage. Thedevelopment ofthefilmwaslinkedtochemistry, intentionallight and shadow effects andfine feeling. Eachprintwas unique. The“digitaldevelopment”orpostprocessingisnon-destructive, repeatableanddeliversaresult, whichat least theoreticallycanbeprintedasoftenasdesired. In the digital workflow no printis uniqueanymore.
Withadark backgroundandsystematicshadingof daylight, myphotostudio becameadarkroomwhereI could photographflowers. Exposuretimes becamelonger, almostlikealong-termexposureatnightoutside. The saturation of the colors came out surprisingly strong.
Thecreationofafloatingcloudwiththehelpofwhitetulle didnotrequireshading to achieve the effect of a darkroom. As my friend Lorenz mentioned, looking closer you can see nice interference patterns (Newtonian rings). I’m happy with this image idea: the image got two days later a Flickr in explore.
The soft variations of light and shadow fit well to a soft vetch.