I have set up a studio of black surfaces where the light falls on my objects from above. All distractions that could interfere with the view disappear as if by magic. There is only the object.
Every ray of light that does not fall directly into the eye remains invisible. Concentrated light such as laser beams is made visible by introducing vapour from CO2 into the beam path, for example, which provides the necessary deflection into the eye or a photographic lens.
For the same reason, light from above escapes the eye of the observer or the photographic lens when viewed horizontally. Only an object deflects the light from above in the direction of the eye or the photographic lens. This is essentially a reflection. Transmission of reflected light can also occur with objects that are transparent. This is the case, for example, with fine petals or glass. Both phenomena, reflection and transmission, are of great aesthetic appeal and therefore of photographic interest.
In the end, there is only the object – or composition. Photographing colored flowers in a dark room has the effect of an apparition emerging from the darkness. And the picture immediately makes you think. These pictures made me think of a quote by Henri Poincaré, whose exact source („The value of science“?) I have unfortunately not found: „A thought is like a flash of lightning in the middle of a long night, but it is everything“.
HDR photography of flowers with a light box creates the illusion of translucency, which is very attractive in itself. By fusing X-ray light and visible light in flower photography, one expands the photographic possibilities by reproducing the inner structures of the photographed plants or objects. The illusion of translucence is enhanced by the physical transparency of X-ray light. Even photographically non-transparent objects can be given the illusion of transparency by fusing X-ray light and visible light.
A publication by the dPunkt publishing house in „foto espresso“ gave me the opportunity to present this idea in the May 2023 issue.
Yesterday I came across a piece of music through a noble advertising trailer of a French watch company with the wonderful actors Catherine Deneuve and Rami Malek directed by Guy Ritchie. I was almost magically drawn to the film because there was a time when I lived in Paris. But the most exciting thing was the soundtrack „Lilies of The Valley“, which exuded such an incredible lightness. I hadn’t heard of the composer Jun Myiake before, but I did know Arto Lindsay, who added his inimitable vocals. Perhaps one cannot leave the cosmos of one’s own taste. That’s why I quickly set off to get some lilies in town. They were to be white lilies, of which I could only get two. Red lilies in all stages of blossoming I then allowed myself to enjoy. So I took some pictures with a mixed bouquet of paradisiacal blooming lilies.
Today the sun shone warmly, almost too warm for a day in mid-February. A few tulips given as gifts were getting older in the vase and one started to hang its head. They had delighted us with their colourfulness for many days.
So I decided to do a photo series with tulips on my lightbox.
Tulips are best suited for scenic representations because they look like a human person against a light background. Dance is the most obvious association I have then. The leaves become whirling arms. The flower is the head. The legs are not really needed.
The format for recording an image can be very variable when fusion imaging is involved. In the example below, the image on the left is taken with a Phase One IQ4. The sensor size is 44mm x 55mm. The X-ray image on the right was taken with a Hologic mammography system with a detector size of 24cm x 30cm. The aspect ratio of both images is 4:5. The pixel size of the IQ4 is 6.5µm, the pixel of the mammography is 70µm long. Nevertheless, the images can be fused well.
I added some texture to the fusion image because it made it more appealing. Due to the fusion of the image from „visible light“ and the image with „X-ray light“, the definition of whether it is a medium format image or a large format image is no longer meaningfully applicable. It is simply an image.
At the end of our sunny stroll we sat down in front of a café for a tea. We met this Siberian Husky in front of our café. It took me a while to recognize three legs and a shaved fur on her right hip. Due to a chondrosarcoma her owner had decided to have an operation on the dog. She did quite well, as far as a human may understand.
Photographyofflowersinavaseinanexposureseries (HDR) is complicatedbytheirlightsensitivity, which causesachangeof positioninshorttimescales. Plantsconstantlyrearrangetheir leavesandblossoms. This resultsin blurring, whichcanbecompensatedfore.g.byrepeatingthe shot series, shorter exposure time seriesortoolsforaligningtheimages. Or you cando your image withoutHDR, becausethedynamicrangeof the cameradataissufficient.
Thecenterofa Gerbera blossomisrichlystructured. Due tothehighresolutionofthe camera back (150 MP), itispossible tocrop outthecenter still ingood resolution.
Thetransparentrepresentationofthepetalsisachievedby usingalight box. Thelightshouldberelatively bright, butdoes nothavetobefullyhomogeneous. Theheatofthelightdoes notmatter, itisadjustedusingRAW formatinpost-processing. More informations about this method see web-pages of Harold Davis, who invented this method.
Themostsurprisingthingthisyearwastheselectionofmany ofmypicturesintheFlickrExplorestream. My bestpicture in 2021 is againa blackandwhite, this timeoftheBerneseAlpswithaviewofthe mountain chain Eiger, MönchandJungfrau. Thepicturewastakenonthe SchilthornwhenIfledthepermanentJamesBondexhibition.
Theendoftheyearhadsomesurprisesinstorefor both of us.We drovetotheBlackForestandhopedforsnowto cooloff. The snowdidnotcomeimmediatelyandareddawnonJanuary 2ndseemeddangerousandnot calming.
The LED lightboxcanbeplacedverticallyonthewall. Withtwoclampsyou attachthe blackvelvetas a background andloosentheclampgentlytocreatetheHighKeyimageafter switchingonthelightbox.