Landscape,  Long time exposure,  Monochrome,  Motion Blur,  Travel

Leaving in a rush

I didn’t what would happen this rainy day. But the waves and surf on the mole was so beautiful, that I forgot the time.

All of a sudden I got an  text without possibility to answer or to ask back. Transfer tomorrow cancelled. Nothing special in the world, but my friend was in need to reach Lucerne tomorrow.

Heavy winds at Heligoland force us to leave earlier. © Julian Köpke

Back in my hotel I got everything organized: a ferry boat at 6pm, a train to Hamburg tonight, 2 single rooms for Monald and me in a nice hotel at the harbor. And a gorgeous day for photographers extra in Hamburg. I could keep cool blood all the time. My allergic reactions to pollen had left me in Heligoland once more immediately. It’s been worth the break with a lot of travelling, having a good friend with me.

Two short days and much recreation. We will have a lot of fun with the next waves to come this evening.

Welkoam iip lunn - Pier Heligoland © Julian Köpke
Pier Helgoland © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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