Twomoredaysontheisland. Ihadsecretlyspeculated before thestartofthetriptobeabletomakeinteresting longtime exposuresofthesea. Wewenttotheseaonceveryearly andoftenlateatnight. OnFriday, the 13th, theweatherwas particularlystormy. Ifeltthathalfasecondexposuretimewas theoptimalvaluetocapture thedynamicsofthesea’smotion andatthesametimetogetstructure.
ManyofthephotographsItookwiththequadrupeds, whichwere laidoutasacoastalprotectionnearHörnum. Dependingonthe timeofdayandtheweather, theyareafantastic backdrop. This image was taken early in the morning short after sunrise.
Atthetimeofthehighestwaterlevelduringtheflood, these concreteblocks almost disappear underneaththewater surface. The next image is a combination of different exposure values to express the power of the incoming tide.
Withoutwind, theseaissocalmatlowtidethatyou don’twant toimplyanything violent toit anymore. Tocapturethe calmofthe low tidewaterIneeded30sofexposuretime. However, the Moonwould become blurredat that value. SoI combinedtwoshotsintoonepicture.
Weatherchangeisassociatedwithstrongerwindandlight changes. Thissituationisoftenfeltontheislandina rather pleasantway.
Readinghis book“TheNegative”notonly givesmeinsightinto thetechnicalprocessesthatthe“analogue”photographers hadtostrugglewith. Hisoften shortsentencesorcomments ontheimageevaluationareaninspiringsource, whichalways evokeinmethe imageofaqualifiedmusicianfromAnsel Adams. He didn’t loose the spirit of music when photographing or processing.
Hiscommentsoninfraredphotographyinspiredmetorework acolorimageofthenorthernpartoftheislandof Syltandto studytheeffectofdifferentcolorfiltersoncontrasts and tonality.
I am feeling rewardedthatthispicturewaschosenforthegroupin explorebyFlickrthismorning.
Thecontrastsinthecolorimageareweaker, thecoloralso distractsalittlefromthemoodofanimpending thunderstorm. A bitofluminosity or radiancecomesout betterinthecloudsinthe black andwhiteimage.
IntheeveninginKeitumwewentafterdinnerinapub alittle walk. Thelightofthesunsetwasspecialandit changed continuouslywiththecloudtrain. Afterall, therewasquitea bitofwindtobefelt. Within less than 1 hour I took many pictures, leaning on fence posts to be less shaky.
FirstIedittheRAWimageswithCaptureOne. Thisallowsme todeterminethelightanddarkpartsaswellas thecontrasts andcolors. ThenIerasethe unavoidablestains, eitherfromthe sensororfromtheoptics. Atthe endafewfilteringin PhotoshopwithTopazorNik Collection. All filters masked out and painted in at some homeopathic dosage.
The basicquestionofthecreativephotographeris, wether the representation of a photograph is literal or a departure from reality as projected in his „mind’s eye“. An expressive image is photographer’s goal. Whentheinteractionofthedifferentfactorsofexposure, apertureandcameracharacteristicsis well understood, creative freedomknowsnolimits. Positively speaking: the sky is the limit.
Thescenarioofanalmostthreateningthunderstormcloud, which, however, isstillinaprotectivedistance, is sometimes surprisingonthe beach. The tetrapods on my image will protect the island from flooding, but not us from rain.
Acoloredpicture blursthisimpressioncompletely. Blackand white rendering clearlyshowstheenergyinherentina thundercloud. WecameacrossthiscloudatHörnumanditaccompanied us all alongthe beach.
Justashorttime before, Imanagedtocapturetheimpression ofaconstantly beautifulweatherwithacoolwind andgentle waves. Astrongsunpushesawayalldarkthoughts. On the horizon, the clouds are raining a bit.
Many times we are waiting. Weliketodrawstrengthfromcontemplation. Timeispassing byimperceptibly, almostalittletoofast.
Withcolorphotosexpressiveimagescan also becreated. The true brightnessvaluesofacolorimageliketo deceiveoureyes. Quantitativeestimationwiththehelpof Lab color displayisa greathelpintheaccurate determinationof brightnessvalues. TomakeanimagelooklikeIhaditin my „mind’s eye“.
Thisimagewas shot when looking backonourwaytothe sunny southern beach. TheareaislocatedinthenorthofSylt andis called“Ellbogen”.Shortly before, wehadprotectedourselves froma heavy rainshowerbywaitinginthecar.
Thepathto northern beachwasilluminated like bya spotlight, thedunenexttoitdark, the thunderstormclouds even more dark. Therawimagedidn’treflectwhat I saw during that short moment. Therawimagewasflatandwithoutextremes. By processing Itriedto restore myoriginal impression.
Onthe westcoast of Kampen, theRedCliff, whichcontainsoxidizedironore andhasthereforeassumedaredcolor, offersa strong contrast. Theerosionleadstowashesthatmaybereminiscent ofskinwrinkles. Thepictureis interesting if rendered in color or monochrome.
Afterashortclimb we reachedthe upperedgeofthecliff.
AnideaofAnselAdamsregardingtherealityofaphotokeeps mecaptive. His bestphotos, ashewritesinhisbook“The Negative”, areoftendescribedbyviewersastrulyrealistic. But they’renot. Onthecontrary. These wouldoftenhave beenthe mostintensivelyworkedonbyhim.
Herepeatedlyinsistsinthis bookthatthe bestimageswould have beenthoseinwhichheleftrealityinthe processingto showwhathewantedtoshoworfelt.
Iamoftenimpressedbytheclouds passing byortheplayofcloudsin thesky. Inacoloredpicture, Idon’tquitesucceedindirectingthe weightofthepicturetothecloudsinthesky. Despite the use offilterswithandwithoutgradients, thecolorimageis beautifullycoloredand bright, butthedesired focusislost. With blackandwhitepictures, itseemstobeeasier.
Ansel Adams suggested in his book „The Negative“ a plan for practice in awareness and visualization to improve skills in black and white photography (Chapter 1, p. 3). „Take nothing for granted“: Black isn’t pitch black, but consists of many dark gray values, white isn’t pure white, but consists of many light gray tones.
One of his further suggestions to improve learning visualization of a subject could be the use of Polaroid Land black-and-white films. He made this suggestion 1981, long before LCD monitor and live view. With these tools our learning curve on each subject and imaging situation is steep.
Using Slow Shutter app I’m able to compose an image in live view mode and integrate a period of time to a single image. The app tends to capture the bright whites first, and doesn’t change them very much while integrating the whole image e.g. for 8 seconds. Therefore, I start my exposure at a moment, where the bright values come close to my visualization of the composition – and then I enjoy the completion. I believe, this feeling is close to the moment, when a print came out in the darkroom.
Ansel Adams didn’t have an electronic optical system. Hisrecommendationswereaimedathavingatrainedeyeand withafewmeasuringpointsanideaof whatthe distributionofgrayvalueswould be inreality, inthe negativeandintheprint (thepositive).
Thisdistributionisnowadaysgivenbyourcamerasasa histogram. Eachpixel of a capture isincluded. Thus, the distribution of gray valuesis notestimated by some 3 to 10measurementpoints. With each pixel of a photo included and millions of them in a single capture we get a quasi-continuousfunctionfromthe lowesttothehighest brightness values: a histogram.
Let’slookatthe following photographofachessboardfromacommon gamecollection and its histogram. (The chessboard was already old and slightly bent.) The chessboard consists of mainly two gray levels: the black and the white chess fields. Each individual chess field consists of slightly differing gray levels. The two peaks in the histogram represent this inhomogeneity of the photographed „black“ and „white“ chess fields.
Departure from realism is a significant contribution to creative imagery if you know to influence your result.