Landscape,  Sylt

Thunderstorm clouds near List

This image was shot when looking back on our way to the sunny southern beach. The area is located in the north of Sylt and is called “Ellbogen”. Shortly before, we had protected ourselves from a heavy rain shower by waiting in the car.

The path to northern beach was illuminated like by spotlight, the dune next to it dark, the thunderstorm clouds even more dark. The raw image didn’t reflect what I saw during that short moment. The raw image was flat and without extremes. By processing I tried to restore my original impression.

Thunderstorm clouds near List © Julian Köpke

You can find this photo in my album of in explore pictures (Flickr) or right here.

I like to let my thoughts be taken by cloud formations on journey into the indefinite. In order to emphasize the weight of the clouds in the following photo, I tried to present the relatively close parts in a clearer and more contrasted way. The RAW image had a lot of width, but without a center of gravity. The colours are rather pale and not very saturated, thus emphasizing the nordic look.

Cloud formations near Kampen ( Seagull) © Julian Köpke

On the westcoast of Kampen, the Red Cliff, which contains oxidized iron ore and has therefore assumed a red color, offers strong contrast. The erosion leads to washes that may be reminiscent of skin wrinkles. The picture is interesting if rendered in color or monochrome.

Red Cliff westcoast Kampen, Sylt © Julian Köpke
Red Cliff westcoast Kampen, Sylt © Julian Köpke

After a short climb we reached the upper edge of the cliff.

Beach of Red Cliff, Kampen © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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