After2yearsofFaceTimeandtelephoneconversationswesee eachotheragain, friendsfromLucerneand us. Meetingpoint halfway betweenourtworesidences, nearHinterzartennear the FeldbergandTitisee. After more than 30 yearsoffriendship, thetime ofhardseparationdueto bordersandinfection management hadalso been painful now and then.
Withphotography, wehaveapproachedinanewway, each withitsown approach. WithMonaldthewildlife andlandscape photography, withmethestars, thelandscape, theportraitor macrophotography. Thisweekend we usedthefewhoursin themorningandeveningforthecountrysidearoundthe Feldberg, neverletting ourselvesbestoppedbyrainor marshland.
The Hexenlochmühle had beenlocatedbyalakeinmymemory. Totallywrong. Twolargemillwheelsaredrivenby waterandthe waterofthemillstreamflowsintotheWutach.
My friend’s strong wish was an evening image of the Rhine valley at sunset. Above St. Mägen near Turner we found a parking lot and some meadows with a splendid view down.
It is a nice experience to walk the same path under changing light conditions at daily distance. In winter there is not much botanically happening, only the snow can be more or less – or the fog. The possibilities of imaging with a camera essentially change with the extent of the available light. A sunny day shows a maximum of available light.
Does sunlight make a picture atmospheric ? With cloudy skies or even some fog, the conditions for background and foreground change substantially and pictures without sunlight can be be very varied and gain a special depth of expression.
The above image shows: shadows during a day with a blue sky are blue, too.
The detection of expressive light situations without a tripod and without HDR technology requires a limited amount of light that the sensor can still process with out blown-out lights or drown depths.
We are the end of a year with unexpected restrictions and new dangers. A walk with friends out in the forest with their dog with a lot of distance between them feels uncomfortable. Time puts its stamp on you wether you want it or not. The feeling of an unstoppable acceleration is spreading.
There is a well where the dog finds some fresh water. Behind the well broken stones and an old tree.
There are less and less leaves on the trees, so that the forest becomes more and more monotous. A few trees and bushes still have yellow, green and even some red leaves. These splashes of colors are are transformed by deliberate camera movement into areas of color and luminous islands that cheer up.