Acurtainovertheilluminated background behind the focal plane createsaneffect reminiscentofnebulaeinthenightsky.
Photographyofflowersinavaseinanexposureseries (HDR) is complicatedbytheirlightsensitivity, which causesachangeof positioninshorttimescales. Plantsconstantlyrearrangetheir leavesandblossoms. This resultsin blurring, whichcanbecompensatedfore.g.byrepeatingthe shot series, shorter exposure time seriesortoolsforaligningtheimages. Or you cando your image withoutHDR, becausethedynamicrangeof the cameradataissufficient.
Thecenterofa Gerbera blossomisrichlystructured. Due tothehighresolutionofthe camera back (150 MP), itispossible tocrop outthecenter still ingood resolution.
Thetransparentrepresentationofthepetalsisachievedby usingalight box. Thelightshouldberelatively bright, butdoes nothavetobefullyhomogeneous. Theheatofthelightdoes notmatter, itisadjustedusingRAW formatinpost-processing. More informations about this method see web-pages of Harold Davis, who invented this method.
For thefirstcompositiontodayIstartedwithcornflowersona lightbox. I always haveliked cornflowers withtheirtypical cornflower blue. With this composition I wanted toshowdifferentstagesof cornflower developmentinoneimage.
I also liked very much the yellow of a craspedia globosa that Christa bought this morning. To bring out the colors I decided to install them in my „darkroom studio„. I made the image as a frame average of some 15 exposures, 3s each at f/16 and ISO 800.