The LED lightboxcanbeplacedverticallyonthewall. Withtwoclampsyou attachthe blackvelvetas a background andloosentheclampgentlytocreatetheHighKeyimageafter switchingonthelightbox.
My darkroom studio is convenient for flower photography and high contrast, especially white. Today I tried out glasses with reflections and a nearly complete homogenous white vase. The only variations are reflections imposed on it from little light leaks of my improvised studio.
A photograph of a glass in a more documentary style is the following. The representation of the glass cutting is realistic. The stem out of the focal plane is appropriate for the focus of the photograph.
The combination of black and green thrilled me in the composition with traditional wine glasses for regional white wine. Unexpectedly, I got some copper allusions with some warmth in the transparent glass.
A more cool representation is the following composition with more glasses, including a tasting glass for Whisky. Is it the morning after a roaring party ? No leftovers can be seen so far …
Thedarkroomwasthecentreofanaloguephotography. In a darkroom were created thecopiesofapictureonphoto paper, which had beenplannedwhenshootingwithcameraandfilm. The“digitaldarkroom”isinawaythecontinuationofthe darkroomfromanaloguetimes. Nowadays, theroleof the filmistakenoverbytheRAWimage. Thedevelopment ofthefilmwaslinkedtochemistry, intentionallight and shadow effects andfine feeling. Eachprintwas unique. The“digitaldevelopment”orpostprocessingisnon-destructive, repeatableanddeliversaresult, whichat least theoreticallycanbeprintedasoftenasdesired. In the digital workflow no printis uniqueanymore.
Withadark backgroundandsystematicshadingof daylight, myphotostudio becameadarkroomwhereI could photographflowers. Exposuretimes becamelonger, almostlikealong-termexposureatnightoutside. The saturation of the colors came out surprisingly strong.
Thecreationofafloatingcloudwiththehelpofwhitetulle didnotrequireshading to achieve the effect of a darkroom. As my friend Lorenz mentioned, looking closer you can see nice interference patterns (Newtonian rings). I’m happy with this image idea: the image got two days later a Flickr in explore.