Architecture,  Travel


Our journey to the Land of the Midnight Sun starts in Oslo. The hotel is just a stone’s throw from the harbour. lot of rain and constantly changing light from more or less dense clouds greet us. Because we don’t want to miss anything, we start our first tour right after arrival, despite a certain tiredness.

The first building that caught  our eyes is the opera. Built with Carrara marble is white.

Operaen Oslo (Opera house) © Julian Köpke
Operaen Oslo (Opera house) © Julian Köpke

A sculpture in the middle of the harbor attracted me. It took me some moments to see the resemblance to a painting of Caspar David Friedrich („Eismeer“).

Failed Hope (Sculpture inspired by "Eismeer" by C.D. Friedrich). A flexible mounted sculpture in the harbour of Oslo. Light is different every moment: it will be never the same. © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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