Long time exposure,  Texture,  Travel,  World at night

Painterly strokes or magnetic fields ?

A short trip for recreation in Bavaria led us to a completely sunny Bad Tölz at the Isar river. That way I also increased my knowledge of local geography. With a long time exposure, taken without a filter, only with a large aperture and low ISO, some assembled pebbles on the ground instead of a tripod, I wanted to capture the wave play of river Isar.

It was only in our hotel on the computer that the resulting structure became more interesting and clear to me. For Christa the image shows picturesque brush strokes of an oil painting. I can think of the surface structure of the sun which is a fiery dance of magnetic field lines and mass distributions of hydrogen.

Painterly strokes of Isar waves. © Julian Köpke

In the evening a long sunset glowed for us in Königsdorf. The rotational planes of sun, moon and earth are quite close and in a few days we expect a partial lunar eclipse.

Waxing crescent Moon and Venus at sunset in Königsdorf with view of the Alps © Julian Köpke

The light takes 8 minutes from the sun to the earth. Due to atmosphere it remains visible to us longer than the sun itself.

Sunset with view of the Alps © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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