Stein am Rhein is a town with a northern and a southern part on the banks of the Rhine, which here flows west towards Basel. The Rhine does not form the border with Germany here; on the northern side is Swiss territory. A hotel with historic knight’s armour and oil paintings in the corridors is situated directly on the river.
My wife and I arrived in clear, warm weather the day before. But in the early May morning, it became foggy again, and my desire to get up was limited. On the same side of the river next to the hotel is the monastery of Sankt Georgen, which is nowadays only a beautiful museum.
As soon as I stepped onto the bridge that leads between the hotel and the monastery from the north to the south, I saw the sun standing in a cloud over the Sant Georgen monastery. I had to hurry a lot because the fog was beginning to lift. An HDR shot was a matter, of course, to savour all the nuances of the light later.
I did the post-processing of the HDR manually and software-based, so I had all the freedom to process the image.
Intimate landscape photography is a term I can’t translate literally, although intuitively I think I immediately understand what it’s about. Historically, Eliot Porter (1901-1990) is considered the founder of this style of photography. I came across this style through an article by Charlotte Gibb, whom I had the pleasure of meeting personally in Yosemite Valley in February 2020.
The photographer’s gaze does not seek to capture the whole scenery of a landscape, but is concerned with a closer look at parts of the landscape. The sky is usually not part of the picture in this style and the light dynamics, which are often dramatic due to the sky, are greatly reduced. The tension in the picture is created by the arrangement and relationship of the objects. Reduction and simplicity become important components.
The church of Lavertezzo has become known from many photographs, especially its reflections in the Verzasca between the peculiar rocks. Unfortunately, the main building was completely scaffolded for renovation in November 2022 and not photogenic. I planned the following shot because of the beautiful, sometimes almost flowing rock formations that make the Verzasca appear as if it were lying in a fountain basin. The church tower is somewhat blurred by the movement of the water surface. While processing the shot, the colour selector showed me what a bath of colour had been created by mixing the colours of vertical rocks and horizontal water.
Not very far from the last picture, I had been walking around on the rocks and found this shot. Climbing can be very arduous on the rocks of the Verzasca. The rocks are of course slippery when wet, but even the dry rock does not always give the grip you want or expect. Everywhere you can read the warnings about this problem: 10:21h selfie, 10:38h search action begins. Expressed in typically Swiss terseness. It pays to take your steps carefully. A large part of the spectrum is present in the photograph. The green of the Verzasca was not as emerald here as it usually is. The rocks in evening blue. A rock in stronger red. Golden shimmers a reflection down from the ridge. I only noticed the sea serpent when I was post-processing.
At a certain point, there was no more water for a composition. The stones there speak to me through their colour and their shape and their relationships to each other. I could not express it in words. Even weeks later, I can’t express it in a sentence. It is beautiful in any case.
Infact, theconstructionofamountainstationonthe Schilthorn beforeit becamethelocationforthe4th James BondmoviestarringGeorgeLazenbywascertainly controversialandeconomicallyquestionable. After themovie, everythingwasclear. Todayyou canadmiremanyscenesand theirmakingofonaseparatefloor, aswellas10minutesof impressivefilmsaboutthelocallandscapeandthefilm.
ItwasonlywhileprocessingtheimagesthatInoticedthemany airplanetracksintheskythathadnot been thereforsolong.
ThemountainrangeofEiger (left), MönchandJungfrau also looks betterin black-and-whitetechnique. The imminent changeoftheweatherisalreadyclearlyvisibleontheimage.
TwoweeksagoIwenttoLakeConstancefor businessreasons. At7o’clockinthemorningIcouldseeared sunrisinginthe fog betweentrees. That’swhyImadeastopoveratLake Constancetotakepicturestherein theeveningandinthe morning.
Themorningdrivetwoweeksagomighthavemadeyou think ofghostsandofcoursethereisliterature on this subject from thearea. The eveningwhenIarrivedwaswonderfullysunnyandfogless. By carImadean“ascent”to HohenklingeCastleinSteinamRhein, toseethevalleyfromabove. Theviewremindedmeofa Renaissance painting.
Thereisnorepetitionforthe landscape photographer. The natural lightwillnever belikethatagainwhenyou go backtoaplace. Wherethesun wassupposedtoriseitwasnotfoggy. It was cloudy. From here the Upper Rhine begins.
Earlyinthemorning, all of a sudden, twowomendriftedintheriver. Thetwo ofthemwishedme from below a“goodmorning. ”
HereinSteinamRheinendsLakeConstance, whichlies betweentheHighRhineandtheUpperRhine. Before sunrise you couldseesomediscolorationofthesky, alongwithvery littlegroundfog.
Last evening in a special resort. Flowers in every room. A view like on an airplane window seat. Meeting friends from long ago and renewing friendship. Happiness, breathlessness, intense talks, laughter.
Great sunset seen from above Lake Lucerne and Lucerne itself.
Wonderful sunrise in the morning, blue sky and fresh air. Breakfast in the sky. Last conversations. Melancholy of farewell. Final goodbye. The composition resembles a painting of a former family member: Otto Flechtenmacher.
Luxuriant floral decorations everywhere in the lobby. Manual HDR without tripod: works.
A trip to Lucerne to see friends. We were laughing a lot. Dining. Discussing unpleasant professional issues. Looking through lovely photo series.
This morning a distracting time in our hotel with lake view. We enjoyed many reflections on the surface of the water. Salsa festival at midnight. No activity on the lake in the morning. Light weighted tranquillity before sunrise.