Why do I like Japan so much ? People are polite and friendly and you never get hurt. How great is that ! The Japanese like beauty for their eyes and their ears.
Fresh flower bouquets can be found in the toilets of the motorway service areas. Nice music in restaurants, in the streets, in shopping malls. Decorated vases in our hotels when leaving the elevator.
Entering the port of Takamatsu, I found this beautiful composition of an artwork with propped firs. This was a pleasant introduction to our stay on Naoshima.
The combination of an exhibition and nature is an essential feature of the Naoshima Island. Beside the possibility to visit very special and beautiful, but expensive Museums.
We went up to Cape Perpetua before our breakfast. I’d been there before after the eclipse in 2017 with Christa and friends. That year the sky was full of smoke.
Today the sun was shielded by some haze coming from the Pacific Ocean. I wasn’t clear in mind about going there a second time. The impressive view of Heceta Head lighthouse the day before hadn’t left me.
Black and white gives more meaning and feeling than faded colors. But it’s already long time ago and far, far away.