• Landscape,  Travel

    Ice on Iceland

    You don’t go to Iceland to watch a solar eclipse. The visibility of the event is unlikely. Taking a solar eclipse with you as a by-catch on a trip has a different quality.

    So we managed to record the early and late phases with tripod, we had to miss the maximum due to heavy rain and dark clouds. Only a few minutes later than the maximum at 10:16h local time we drove off road into the wilderness and took this photo through the clouds.

    2021 06 10 partial Eclipse, Iceland at 10:23 a.m. on Þjóðvegur between 202 and Dverghamrar © Julian Köpke

    With a picture like this in the box, every other photo of the day is a gift. The icebergs of Jökulsarlon were a cool attraction with reflections, sunshine and rain showers alternating.

    Icebergs of Jökulsarlon © Julian Köpke

    After a short visit to the hotel we drove back to Diamond Beach, which is located right on the southern coast of Jökulsarlon. The many small ice blocks formed by the icebergs broken by the surf gave the beach its name.

    Diamond beach at Jökulsarlon © Julian Köpke
  • World at night

    Partial lunar eclipse

    Night clouds may be a creative opportunity, although they generally lead to limitations in the visibility of a celestial event. Last evening was such an opportunity. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    There is enough structure in the image to please one’s eye. The color of the Moon has a rusty tone outside the central shadow of the earth.

    A cloudy evening in Heidelberg with a silent partial lunar eclipse. © Julian Köpke

    The composite of this capture with a mood picture on site is technically not completely satisfactory. I should have made more different exposures of the night sky.

    Heidelberg partial lunar eclipse © Julian Köpke