After2yearsofFaceTimeandtelephoneconversationswesee eachotheragain, friendsfromLucerneand us. Meetingpoint halfway betweenourtworesidences, nearHinterzartennear the FeldbergandTitisee. After more than 30 yearsoffriendship, thetime ofhardseparationdueto bordersandinfection management hadalso been painful now and then.
Withphotography, wehaveapproachedinanewway, each withitsown approach. WithMonaldthewildlife andlandscape photography, withmethestars, thelandscape, theportraitor macrophotography. Thisweekend we usedthefewhoursin themorningandeveningforthecountrysidearoundthe Feldberg, neverletting ourselvesbestoppedbyrainor marshland.
My friend’s strong wish was an evening image of the Rhine valley at sunset. Above St. Mägen near Turner we found a parking lot and some meadows with a splendid view down.