Withapicturelikethisinthe box, every other photo of the dayisagift. The icebergsofJökulsarlonwereacoolattractionwith reflections, sunshineandrainshowersalternating.
Afterashortvisittothehotelwedrove back toDiamond Beach, whichislocatedrightonthesoutherncoast of Jökulsarlon. The manysmall ice blocksformedbytheicebergs brokenbythesurfgavethe beachitsname.
For thefirstcompositiontodayIstartedwithcornflowersona lightbox. I always haveliked cornflowers withtheirtypical cornflower blue. With this composition I wanted toshowdifferentstagesof cornflower developmentinoneimage.
I also liked very much the yellow of a craspedia globosa that Christa bought this morning. To bring out the colors I decided to install them in my „darkroom studio„. I made the image as a frame average of some 15 exposures, 3s each at f/16 and ISO 800.