Alotofthings are fallingapart these days. Wefeel how fragile we are. Howdoyou showfragilityinapicture?
EnteringtheRijksmuseuminAmsterdam, anew, modern entranceareahas beencreated. Lightandshadowinrapidsuccessionthroughconcretedoor arches.
Thearchesare unadorned, yettheeyeclingstothem. Despite – or due to ? – thesimpleconcept, everyperspectiveoffersa newimpression.
A still life painting (not „life style“) may be irritating by its compositional elements, like objects at the edge of a table top. Just these elements evokes a feeling of fragility. The next image is a photograph I made in the museum without tripod as indicated. The painting by Willem Claeszoon Heda was about 1635. It is a Vanitas theme, 13 years before the end of a 80 years long war in Netherlands, the end coinciding with the 30 years long war in Germany 1648.