ManyofthephotographsItookwiththequadrupeds, whichwere laidoutasacoastalprotectionnearHörnum. Dependingonthe timeofdayandtheweather, theyareafantastic backdrop. This image was taken early in the morning short after sunrise.
Atthetimeofthehighestwaterlevelduringtheflood, these concreteblocks almost disappear underneaththewater surface. The next image is a combination of different exposure values to express the power of the incoming tide.
Withoutwind, theseaissocalmatlowtidethatyou don’twant toimplyanything violent toit anymore. Tocapturethe calmofthe low tidewaterIneeded30sofexposuretime. However, the Moonwould become blurredat that value. SoI combinedtwoshotsintoonepicture.