Landscape,  Long time exposure,  Motion Blur

Painted waves at Kampen, Sylt

Looking at waves captivates us just as much as looking at an open fire. Digital photography provides us with very short shutter speeds or exposure times static, better: frozen images of the ups and downs of water movements.

There are no creative limits when trying to extend exposure times (or shutter speeds) instead of further shortening them, at most technical ones. Longer exposure times merge several moments of water movement and thus paradoxically have a dynamic effect, meaning a look and feel of a movement.

There is no right or wrong exposure time. There is a special impression for each exposure time in the fusion image of several moments.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. By experimenting with a neutral density filter of 10 EV I managed to get at a not too long exposure time of 1/4s to 1/3s making waves look like painted. With only economical digital post-processing worth seeing images were created.

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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