
Goodbye Bürgenstock

Last evening in a special resort. Flowers in every room. A view like on an airplane window seat. Meeting friends from long ago and renewing friendship. Happiness, breathlessness, intense talks, laughter.

Great sunset seen from above Lake Lucerne and Lucerne itself.

Sunset over Lucerne, Lake Lucerne © Julian Köpke

Wonderful sunrise in the morning, blue sky and fresh air. Breakfast in the sky. Last conversations. Melancholy of farewell. Final goodbye. The composition resembles a painting of a former family member: Otto Flechtenmacher.

Bürgenstock: snow on mountain tips © Julian Köpke

Luxuriant floral decorations everywhere in the lobby. Manual HDR without tripod: works.

Magnificent floral decoration with orchids © Julian Köpke

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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