flowers,  Fusion imaging

Purple Clematis

Long lasting blossoms, turning up every year: my purple clematis in our garden.

It was my third X-ray session with flowers this week. Third fusion imaging attempt. After blue cornflower and blue aquilegia now a purple clematis. Big data on my hard disk.

Today we did it with mammography at 30 kV and 50 mAs. Lower noise ! Here is the positive representation of a single clematis:

Clematis X-ray photo © Julian Köpke

I processed the lightbox HighKey series with a mask. There was a shift of 2 or 3 pixels from the lightest to the darker images. So I processed everything a second time to compensate for the shift. The HDR image shows a cut stalk. Photoshop is made for this.

Purple Clematis © Julian Köpke

The stalk can be lengthened like in the preceding X-ray. The fusion image shows hidden leaves, the core of the blossom and stalks much better:

Purple Clematis X-ray fusion photo © Julian Köpke

The flower looks pretty fragile now, close to its natural appearance.

I like to make things visible the naked eye isn't able to see. That's part of my profession as a radiologist, too.

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